Learn to get the love you want.

Personalised Therapy for Individuals & Couples

Learn to get the love you want.

Personalised Therapy for Individuals & Couples​

I’m a therapist that knows how to reach people with over a decade of guiding people to their best selves and couples back to their deepest connections.
Michael Shawe, LCSW
I’m a therapist that knows how to reach people with over a decade of guiding people to their best selves and couples back to their deepest connections.

Right now you realize you are unsatisfied, and something needs to change.

While It can be uncomfortable to take risks, I will walk beside you on this journey of change and transformation— teach you how to know yourself and take big risks in life.

Together, we will develop emotional and spiritual fitness to weather any storm that will cultivate emotional health and fitness.

Right now is the time to take action— now is the time for change.

The therapeutic journey is you discovering and embodying your own epic life story. My process involves you claiming the narrative that you may likely have never fully felt.

Therapy for couples who are looking to reconnect and find the love that has been lost in you routine and the daily arguing.

Coaching looks at your current life structure and helps you create habits and strategies to take you towards the next level.

Get help when you need it

Schedule a free 20 minute consultation or ask any questions you might have.

Schedule a free 20 minute consultation or ask
any questions you might have.

Michael Shawe, LCSW
Michael Shawe, LCSW

I bring over ten years of directly working with people from a vast array of backgrounds from film directors to homeless folks.

I have seen people struggle with addiction and hopelessness. My belief was and still remains that every person is capable of redemption.

Every person if they are willing to put in the work of going within can heal and find meaningful loving relationships and a powerful purpose.

I have learned from both traditional therapists and coaches and I blend a mix of traditional wisdom with the more enthusiastic solution focused nature of coaching.

You deserve more than just a therapist, but someone who lives to go further with you. I encourage my clients to take big risks and I’m living life pushing my edges as well.

I believe that if you want radical change, it’s best to have a therapist who is willing to be grow with you.